Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Number 17.



I’m sure you know who I’m talking about!

There has been a lot of talk about Jeremy Lin. Not only among the basketball fans, but also Asian moms are starting to watch NBA because of him. Who is this guy and what is his power over these Tiger moms that even they start watching basketball?!

So besides the fact that Jeremy Lin is an Asian who is playing in NBA, which is already impressive enough, why else is he so captivating? Of course he’s got skills, but there must be something about him that mesmerizes these Tiger moms.

Personally, I think the main reason is his academic success. I mean…he goes to HARVARD! The dream school that all Tiger moms wish their children can attend. The school that guarantees success. The school that ensures a high paying job. The school that says “you are set for the rest of your life.” The prestigious school that all Asian moms ever wanted is for their children to be able to graduate with a degree from the Harvard School. Jeremy Lin’s academic success definitely makes him more likable among the Tiger moms.  So why else?

Mentioned several times in my previous blogs, filial piety is VERY important in the Asian culture. The younger generation is to respect elders and give back to the family. Most importantly, it is to honor the family name and make the family proud. Jeremy exemplifies filial piety in many areas as he is always thankful for his parents understanding in letting him pursue his passion. In many of his speeches, he thanks his parents for the opportunity and their upbringing. He pays respect to his parents and honors the family as a NBA star who initiated the Linsanity around the world. The Lin family is honored. What else can make his family more prideful to have Jeremy Lin, the idol of many, as their son.

Last but not least, Jeremy Lin has a high paying job, and a high paying job indicates the success of the upbringing of his parents. Tiger moms’ emphasis on academic success is so their children can go to a good college. A degree from a good college, in their minds, can lead to a high paying job. And a high paying job is equivalent to a bright future. It is expected for the children to take care of their parents when parents grow old. So ultimately, the children is like an investment that pays back in return. The higher the stock the higher the return.

So all in all, Jeremy Lin fulfils the three basic requirements: high degree in academics, gives pride to the family, high paying job.

However, what Tiger moms need to see is WHAT lead to his success? Yes, he is smart and talented. But if he were raised in a family with strict Chinese child-rearing styles, would he be the same? Would he be in the same position as he is now? If his parents did not let him pursue his hobby and his love for basketball, would he be able to be the all time NBA star he is now? I’m sure his parents also pushed him academically when he was younger for him to be able to attend Harvard and he must be exceptionally intelligent. I believe his success is not merely from his parents’ upbringing. But I do believe it has some impact and it has steered him into the direction where he is now and shaped him in some way or the other for him to be where he is today.

So besides seeing him as the ideal Chinese child who all Tiger moms wish their children to be, maybe a little lenience like his parents can be beneficial too?  

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